Thoracic Region. Osteopathic clinical assessment and treatment including the major osteopathic techniques

This course reviews the anatomy of the thoracic region, followed by assessment and treatment for dysfunctions and conditions related to this region. Students will learn the osteopathic approach in assessment and treatment of the thoracic region. It will include the autonomic nervous system’s assessment and treatment.

Numerous treatment techniques including myofascial release, soft tissue, muscle energy, counterstrain, facilitated positional release, functional, ligamentous articular strain, oscillatory and low-velocity high amplitude techniques will be learned.

Module Times: Fri: 11 – 6 | Sat: 9-5 | Sun: 9-5
Module Dates And Booking:

Module Length

23 Continuing
Education Hours



All written
materials included

Module Cost


Module Dates:

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